શ્રીગણેશાય નમ

The Old Merry Band

With prayers of health and prosperity for all, I present The Old Merry Band. Possibly the longest poem I have written so far and yet it feels incomplete. I could have written and described so much. But, it is usual for me to critique my own work mercilessly. With all going around us, I started imagining, what a simple life would be without criteria and difference. I sometimes believe with aspirations to be the most innovative and superior generation which by the way is like a chain reaction passed on by generations before, we as humans messed up. It's the Journey of Bacteria to Beethoven. Was it absolutely necessary? who knows? But also all hope is not lost and there is still a chance to retrieve the paradise lost!!  

Screenshot from  Discovery Institute 


There was once a piece of  land, 
upon which dwelled merry band,
happiness, joy, laughter, and love,
permeates lands from heavens above

The houses of all looked the same,
Merry band created their own bohem
Men made dinner, Women farm lands,
How still happy were the merry bands!!

Prophets and ideas were yet to arrive,
Concept of finance was also not alive,
peace reigned the land, governed by joy
brothers and sisters did not devise a ploy

Then comes the thought, how to rule all?
What brings fear in hearts, reasons to fall?
The band starts to slowly breed the greed,
Without guilt, bands did a very sinful deed

Let's look at each other, how different we are,
The merry bands grew superiority without a bar,
Based on that idea, there starts a big revolution,
Against the creator's wishes, we called it evolution

With that superiority, how can our creator be same,
Let's work hard, bestow the creator a different name,
Lot different creators of the bands no more the same,
The merry bands had finally, more entities to blame.

Slowly sneaked money, greed, and lust,
A beautiful spheroid bohem now just dust,
Now the big houses reigned the pretty land,
not governed by joy, was an unhappy band. 

Men farmed lands, women cooked dinner,
Thinking different made you an ugly sinner,
The holy evolution came at a mighty cost,
Somewhere in evolving, the creator was lost

Today, different bands live on a piece of land
Once happy and green now just golden sand,
With a hope that band has not a line crossed,
With love, we can conquer the paradise lost.

                                                   ----© Dhruv Pandya,
                                                            Camarillo, CA


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