
This poem is dedicated to one of my co-workers who inspired me!  Seldom you get an opportunity in this world where narcissism does not govern your actions. We are in an age of social media and accessible sharing capabilities where want our voices to be heard, loud and clear. For me, introspection is a great way to communicate and identify my destination. A destination for the ultimate happiness and peace. The most difficult part is to keep narcissism and introspection separate. I try to learn the art while continuing my journey! 

Image: Xuan Zang 

Credits: Wikipedia


For life is a story to stand tall,

humble and learn when we fall

Pilgrim, keep the focus on the sun

not on the road, fly and run

But it also valid to halt, sit

when a pause in thoughts hit

explore the great world within

It is a beautiful and simple win

Look within, introspect and reflect

Listen to thyself  and not deflect

 there resides an image deep in core

envisage the purest of you and more

More you listen, more copious gains

not a slave but a breaker of chains

Tall you stand giving sundry of shades

 unfeigned your character and not charades

Be unbeaten version of yourself oh traveler!

annihilate the hatred and be an unraveler

With such a vision, masses you enthrall

albeit journey ends, remember you stood tall

-Dhruv Pandya


Copyright ©  for Journey, owned by Dhruv Pandya


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