
જય શ્રી ગણેશાય નમઃ 


When I embarked on my journey towards corporate culture, I was fresh out of the non-profit world. Believe it or not, it's like a sheep trying to survive in a lion's den for a handsome prize. Nevertheless, fate always has plans, and then there are mentors. These individuals are heroes who have a passion to help, train, and most important of all Listen! I have been lucky enough to be a mentee to some of the amazing mentors throughout my personal and professional career. Without them, I would not have survived the lion's den. One of my Mentor is leaving the company soon and I would like to dedicate this poem as a gift to her! 

When one sails through life’s sea,

Opposing current sculpts you to be

To be the one befriending the wave

Amidst fiery sea rosed path one pave

That bravery to pave a rut is titanic 

Formidable soul’s character galvanic

For hardwork has no one cinch vicar

One’s vision and greater goal bigger

One always sentinels its pupil prize

Sculpt them till the phoenix will rise

For one becomes the potter source

Holding the hands throughout course

Sailor, Potter, Vicar one is shaped,

Integrity, love, courage one is caped

As one becomes a successful feeder

That one shall be proclaimed a leader

-Dhruv Pandya©


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